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Don't Let Hackers Get The Best Of You: Vulnerabilities To Keep An Eye On

Cyber-attacks are becoming increasingly common, and business owners need to be aware of the various vulnerabilities that could potentially lead to a breach. This is especially true given that hackers are always looking for weak points they can exploit.

Here are three ways hackers can take advantage of your business's vulnerabilities.

Insecure Wi-Fi Networks

Having an unsecured Wi-Fi network is one of the most common ways hackers gain access to businesses. If your network has no password protection or encryption, it leaves you vulnerable to anyone who knows how to find their way in. They only need to be within range of your network to gain access.

Once they're in, hackers can access your computers, networks, and confidential files. To protect yourself, make sure all of your networks are encrypted and require authentication to log in.

Use a strong password and encrypt it with WPA2 or higher security protocols to keep your network safe. Use strong passwords that include a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters to keep your data safe from prying eyes.

Poorly Secured Database Systems

Another common vulnerability is having a poorly secured database system. As businesses collect more data, the need for secure storage becomes even more important. If your databases are not properly secured, a hacker can gain access to sensitive information, such as customer credit cards or login credentials.

The risk is even higher if you rely on cloud-based services for data storage. Here, hackers could potentially gain access to your entire customer database and wreak havoc.

To protect your data, make sure you regularly update your databases. Utilize advanced encryption techniques and data masking to further protect your information from unauthorized access. You should also implement a multi-factor authentication system to ensure that only authorized users can access your data.

Unpatched Software

Outdated software can also be a major security risk for businesses as hackers look for vulnerabilities they can exploit in older versions of popular applications. Older software often lacks the latest security features, making it easier for attackers to gain access. They only need to find one opening, and they can get in, potentially devastating your business.

Make sure to regularly patch your applications and operating systems with the latest security updates. You should also utilize antivirus and anti-malware programs to protect your systems from malicious software. In addition, use a firewall system to protect yourself from outside threats. A good cybersecurity professional should be able to help you with this.   

For more info, contact a local cyber security provider